Shipping Policy

Free Shipping

We guarantee free shipping for your order. Our team has tested every product, allowing us to speed up the shipping process with the option to ship orders directly from the manufacturer to the customer without any risk. Goods are delivered by the seller to the delivery address provided by the customer unless otherwise agreed. The delivery address specified by the seller when processing the order determines the transaction.

Delivery Time

Your order will be shipped the next morning with a Track & Trace code, which you can enter here to track your order step by step: Track & Trace page. Normally, our delivery time is 2-4 days. Currently, due to high demand, shipping takes slightly longer than usual. Therefore, the delivery time will be 4-14 days. At the moment, 90% of orders are delivered within one week. If your order has not arrived within the normal delivery time, please contact customer service! We will ensure that your order reaches you as soon as possible!

Return Procedure

If the courier returns the goods to the supplier because delivery to the customer was not possible, the customer bears the costs of the failed shipment. This does not apply if the customer is not responsible for the circumstances that led to the failed delivery. This also does not apply to return shipping costs if the customer exercises their right of return. When the customer makes use of their return right, the provisions of the seller's return procedure apply to the return shipping costs. Due to logistical reasons, collection from the customer is not possible.